After installing 3.0 and running a setup to dump and execute task sync locally, I realised that it is not syncing.

This is the setup I had using gnu make:

HOST=$(strip $(shell hostname))
ALL_SQL=$(wildcard dump_*.sql)
ALL_SQL_BUT_HOST=$(filter-out dump_$(HOST).sql,$(ALL_SQL))
ALL_SQLITE_BUT_HOST=$(addsuffix /taskchampion.sqlite3,$(basename $(ALL_SQL_BUT_HOST)))


%/taskchampion.sqlite3: %.sql;
	-rm $(TASK_DIR)$*/taskchampion.sqlite3
	-mkdir $(TASK_DIR)$*
	sqlite3 $(TASK_DIR)$@ < $(TASK_DIR)$< 
	task rc.sync.local.server_dir=$(TASK_DIR)$*/ sync

There is no error message or anything even after the verbose option

I suspect it might be that the temporary file taskchampion-local-sync-server.sqlite3 needs to be preserved during executions, but I don’t know as I had problems with one of them.